Is it the right time for you to move?
It comes to us all. That defining moment. It can be brought along on winds of opportunity, on the back of financial necessity, or because we have simply outgrown our home; but it comes to us all.
Selling a house is often cited as one of the most stressful stages of life, aside from getting married, that we as humans can experience.
Maybe that’s because when it comes to selling your home, you need the same levels of commitment as you do in marriage. To succeed, you need to be 100% motivated ahead of this next big step.
After all, for better or worse, there are many hurdles to overcome along the way; it is not always a straightforward process.
From the minefield of choosing the right estate agent, negative feedback, low offers, to the constant cleaning ahead of each new viewing, you’ll need to be in the right frame of mind to face the challenges ahead.
Here we shed some light on factors that could help you decide whether the time is right to go on the market.
Wish or whim?
How long have you been thinking about moving on, or selling your second home?
Is this a deep-seated spark of desire that has been on the slow-burn and is now catching fire? Or is it a sudden, snap reaction to other external factors?
Take a moment to consider the pros and cons and implications, both financial and emotional, that selling a house right now could have.
Whilst a growing family can often be the spur behind a house move, timing that move so that it causes the least financial and physical disruption to your family is key.
Are you looking are selling your holiday home after years of welcoming paying guests and retire from holiday lettings? There are a few things to remember when it comes to putting your holiday home on the market as a going concern. The peak season will be paramount to your holiday letting business, so it’s essential you take this into account when it comes to selling your holiday home to any potential buyers.
Why do you want to sell?
Are you preparing to downsize, relocate or selling your second home/holiday home?
The reasoning behind your decision is crucial, as is the timing of its execution.
For downsizers, the decision can be a tricky one. Perhaps you have recently said farewell to the last of the brood to fly the nest. The house suddenly seems so quiet. Is now the time to take your life plans off the back burner and make that move to a smaller, more economic home?
If you are planning to have children, it is only natural to desire more space for your expanding family. For those already with children, the ages of your nippers will factor greatly into the timing of your house move. Keeping disruption to your child’s education, particularly if you are locating to a new area, is crucial to a successful move.
For those thinking of selling your second home/holiday home, are you looking to find a new bolt hole, change the size of the property but stay in a similar area or liquidate an asset you no longer use so much? It is worth considering selling your current property before seriously searching for an alternative – often popular areas for second homes have a strong cash buyer profile. In order to be in the best position to secure your next purchase and get the best offer accepted, having the fund ready and not being in a chain can be a very attractive position to sellers.
Which season is best for selling your home?
Your mind is made up. You are moving house. But when is best to move?
Historically speaking, spring is often cited as the premium time in which to put your home on the market. Key ‘hot points’ occur around the Easter and May bank holidays.
The benefits to selling at this time of year are easy to recognise: the days are long, the sun is (usually) shining, the blossom is blooming and properties generally look at their finest.
House hunters are out in their droves, and – dream of dreams – if you price your house competitively, you might even prompt a bidding war!
What about summer?
If your target market is families, summer has traditionally been perceived as a troublesome time to sell. With the school holidays in full flow, trips abroad and entertaining the wee ones tends to leave the streets devoid of house-hunters.
Getting your house on the market at the start of summer should help you avoid the peak holiday dates, when your target market will be abroad. Of course, if you happen to have a home with a large garden and pool, summer could be the ideal time to sell.
Autumn is the season of change and that goes doubly so for house sales, with people keen to move on before Christmas. If Christmas leaves you raring for change, turn over a new leaf in January.
With much at stake emotionally and financially, finding the right guidance when selling your home can make all the difference. If you want to know whether now is the right time for you and your property, please call either Hetti or Sophie on 01485 524 254